"An entrepreneur is someone who dares to dream the dreams and is foolish enough to try to make those dreams come true.”
- Khosla Ventures
This site is dedicated to all entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs and serial entrepreneurs who are always taking an idea and turning it into a reality by dreaming, visualizing and then making it happen!
In my 4KTA blog section, I have articles that are published in my monthly column in SiliconIndia magazine under the Entrepreneur Corner column on themes around entrepreneurship from team formation, forming board of advisors, idea generation, launching your start-up, exit strategy for your start-up, Pitching to a venture capitalist (VC) , Business Models that VCs look for, Scarcest Resources for an Entrepreneur and etc... The 4KTA comes from the idea of having about 3-4 bullet points on a slide while doing presentations so that audience can remember the key points. I have tried to distill down core ideas of the topic in four key take away points and hence, i coined the phrase 4KTA.
Feel free to comment, send suggestions and email new ideas or topics for me to write about... Enjoy!!!
Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in my blog are just that: opinions, data points from my experiences and observations. Everyone's path and journey are different, that's what it makes fun and unique... so take the information on this site as just one another data point. Unless explicitly quoted, they just represent my personal views, not of any of the companies or clients that I may be involved with or was involved.